Tuesday, November 11, 2014


The class on Rainbows taught me that there is no pot of gold at the end of any rainbow.  A case where too much information bursts a bubble. Thanks a lot. 

The highly educated instructor explained that rainbows are round and have no end. His dazzling slides demonstrated this scientific fact. 

 I was glad that Des didn't hear this.  At least I hope he didn't.  You never know what gets around up there in yonder land.
Des loved to make rainbows with a garden hose when he sprinkled the lawn.   He would call me to come out and see his marvel.  Good thing he isn't around now or the water police would fine him for wasting water.

Since I am signed up for other classes besides the Rainbow class, I am getting worried.  One class is about Fairy Tales and another about Country Music.

Fairy tales would be hard to dissect.  We already know they aren't true.  I never did believe that anyone climbed up Rapunzel's  hair with or without hairspray

As for Country Music, that's about heart break and standing by your man.  Heck that's a no brainer.  Even Hillary stood by her man.   And she was no Dolly Parton.

That brings me to another event I joined.  Mended Hearts.  I qualified because my heart was mended once with two stents in my major artery.  I wonder if they can mend my heart that was broken when Des left our heavenly home to frolic with the angels up yonder.  I bet he is still trying to make rainbows up there.

So Says Sassy