Clutter collects even when you are not a hoarder. Flat surfaces are the enemy. It helps to close my eyes and work on being mindful. Then I peek, see the papers scattered, mail sorted, well sort of. Magazines reproducing like rabbits. Trying to cancel subscriptions becomes a whirlpool of ineffective action. Stuff is oppressive.
Added to the chaotic accumulation of stuff is my effort to be more serene, mindful is the catchword. I do deep breathing, play mindless music in the background, go into a room my cats can't invade. Close my eyes again. The doorbell rings. The pharmacy delivering my prescription. Great. But there are two prescriptions. I didn't order the second, in fact I no longer take it. A conspiracy, like cancelling subscriptions, now I have to call the pharmacy and slip out of my serene state.
A to do list catches my eye. Call the tax guy, send a memo to the women's fellowship to settle agendas about sign-ups, who does what, when. By the way, I am the president, an election I won by default. A guilt list stares back at me. The cards I plan to send to encourage people on our sick list. There's my walker, luring me to take a walk around the block before achy joints and a daughter lectures me, not to mention the memberships I have at LA Fitness and the Y.
Have to go online now to order stuff from Amazon. My prime membership allows me 2 day free delivery. Such a deal, Need to charge my Smart Phone and Kindle.
Gotta go. Catch you later. Yeah, Right!